17 Jun 2024


Synapxe conferred HL7 FHIR DevDays Implementer Award 2024

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synapxe hl7 fhir devdays implementer award 2024
Victor Chai, Deputy Director at Synapxe’s Software Engineering & Development (SEED) department, at the award ceremony organised by Firely


The FHIR DevDays Implementer Award recognises outstanding applications that have successfully implemented the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard and are making a substantial impact in production environments. This award aims to spotlight applications that contribute significantly to organisational goals and the improvement of patient care, the increased job satisfaction of doctors and nurses, or healthcare efficiency.

Synapxe adopted FHIR for the development of Healthier SG Admin Repository APIs used for the Healthier SG Programme – for example, HL7 FHIR was used for both API and offline batch integration, as well as for the internal database for both relational and NoSQL data models. This significantly simplified the overall solution and Health IT ecosystem integration, empowering healthcare professionals and over 2 million residents with greater and easier access to their healthcare data. 

Find out more about the award here.


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