SingHealth Bed Management System (BMS) is a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to manage all aspects of bed management, from admission to discharge and housekeeping, providing patients with a better overall hospital experience. The system provides real-time insights into bed information, enabling healthcare teams to optimise capacity planning and make data-driven decision.
To enhance acute care management, the BMS has been integrated with the Real Time Locating System. At Sengkang General Hospital, the BMS has been implemented in the Department of Emergency Medicine and for managing beds of day surgery patients.
About Bed Management System
Bed Management System at a glance
In 2015, when Sengkang General Hospital took occupancy of Alexandra Hospital in Queenstown, there was no clear visibility of real-time bed statuses at the hospital. While the hospital did not rely entirely on manual processes, the lack of real-time bed status visibility resulted in longer bed turnover times and increased waiting time for patients.
The BMS allows ward staff to view outstanding actions for each patient, as well as notes on their specific needs and planned movements to other wards. Patients are assigned to beds based on their care types, ensuring appropriate care. The system also includes a mobile application that allows housekeeping teams to access bed turnover worklists for each ward. Dashboards in key areas of the hospital also improves visibility of bed situations.
Bed Management Unit can allocate beds more efficiently with real-time visibility of bed census and statuses. Housekeeping staff can also work more efficiently using the mobile solution to improve bed turnover times. This allows nurses to focus on patient care instead of spending time on administrative tasks related to managing patients’ arrival, transfers and discharges.